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শোয়েব হাসান রাজীব

১০ বছর আগে লিখেছেন

A numb morning


In our life there are complex situation come when it is difficult to take any decision or to make any choice. The socio-politic-economical conditions is the most moving apparatus in this civilization. Beside the economy, the politics is the most important factors for us as even our existence is depended on it. This is now in our country the whole people now can understand very well. People are worried and frightened. They are scare to move on the road and scare to walk in the crowd. This is the effect of politics and we can understand the influence of politics very well through our present political situation.

Two major issue is now pouring fuel on the political movement. One is the new government forming through voting system and anther is the war criminal justice. Today is a important day to remember that the first death through law happen in the process of war criminal judgment by the special court of justice. This is morning with a news that a man been hang in rope. For the politic it is a extreme moment when so many thing can happen. Even the this type of situation can lead a nation to a risky situation when RSA (repressive state apparatus) can fall down. This is a strong and weighty step of the ruling government.

However, this is a time when the county is already suffering through a crisis regarding the new government formation. This 2nd episode is better not to come in this time as this is a transition period for the governing system. But the situation came and we the mass people need to pass this time. Sometimes I wish that, how good this will be if I sleep and wake up in coming February or March after the formation of new government. But this is a day dreaming and only this we can wish. We are controlled by the ruler, but fortunately through democracy their fate is in our hand.

AL may took this as a very important issue as their acceptance to the people who believe the AL notion is depended in a major portion on this issue. This is not to be forgotten that there is huge number of people who didn’t took this issue positively. A huge number of population took it negatively and the whole nation reflects the existence of those people. As the war criminal have their own political views and as most of them represent some particular ideology and notion through their own political banner thus, this is not acceptable for the people who moves with the notion of those people. The number of people for both notion is in major amount.

There are some people who don’t belong to any political views or they may have their own ideology of the socio-politic-economic issues. For this type of people the main goal of looking at the world in a neutral views. Among all the views most probably this is most difficult to have the neutral view. My childhood starts with this journey and in present socio-politic-economic I feel myself numb when I feel that I have no choice in it. the whole situation is very complex and there is no way to take any side for myself.

A single human being or a single thought is needed to be considered. In this society every time there are many streams of movement. In a population of 160 million, it is difficult to determine the minority or the majority. The common meauring system of 51/49 is difficult to find out. If someone can ensure that the 51% people is in favor of war criminal justice then a option of choice can create. And again if anybody ensures that 51% people are against of it then again a option of choice can create. It is to remember that the 20 million people of Dhaka or the few lac people of any banner can’t express the actual facts.

This is numb feeling morning, a morning without any poetry or any song. A morning when it is tuff to feel anything for the present socio-politic-economic movement. We don’t know where we are going. But sure we know that the Change we need!

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  • - আহমেদ ইশতিয়াক

    জানতে পারলাম অনেক কিছু। বইটা পড়া হয়নি। পড়তে হবে...

    ধন্যবাদ, সুন্দর একটা পোস্টের জন্যে...

    - জাওয়াদ আহমেদ অর্ক

    বইটা অসাধারণ । 

    - ঘাস ফুল

    জাঁ ভালজার জীবনী আসলেই করুন। অন্তত এখানে তুলে ধরা অংশটুকু পড়ে তাই মনে হল। লেখক ভিক্টর হুগোর জীবনের কিছুটা প্রতিচ্ছবি মনে হয় বইতিতে স্থান পেয়েছে। যাহোক, বইটি আমারও পড়া হয় নাই। শেয়ার করেছেন বলে বইটি সম্বন্ধে সংক্ষিপ্ত একটা ধারণা পেলাম। ধন্যবাদ সনাতন পাঠক। 

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