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Md. Nuruzzaman Bappi

৮ বছর আগে

লিনাক্সে ব্যবহিত কিছু Command Line .

File Commands :

ls - List the content of the current directory .

ls -R - List the subdirectories recursively .

ls -a - List all the content, including hidden files .

ls -l - List the content and its information .

pwd - Output the current directory that you are in .

cd folder1 – Change the working directory to folder1 .

cd - Return to the $Home directory .

cd .. - Go up a directory .

cd - - Return to the previous directory .


cp source destination – Copy source to destination .

cp -r source destination – Copy a folder recursively from source to destination .


mv source destination - Move (or rename) a file from source to destination .


rm file1 - Remove file1 .

rm -f file1 - Remove file1 without prompt .

rm -r folder - Remove a folder and its content recursively .

mkdir foldername – Create a new folder foldername .

rmdir foldername – Remove an empty folder .


file file1 – Show the file type of file1 .

less file1 - View and paginate file1 .

head file1 - Show first 10 lines of file1 .

tail file1 - Show last 10 lines of file1 .


cat file1 file2 – Concatenate file1 to file 2 .

cat > file1 – Concatenate standard input to file1 .


chmod 777 file - Change file permission of file to 777 .

chown user:group file - Change ownership of file to user and group group .

ln -s source destination – Create a symbolic link from source to destination.

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